The Traditional Recipes of Naples and Campania


The typical recipes of Naples and Campania

If we were to underline the cuisine of Naples, or rather synthesize it with a single adjective, unique, exclusive, total: sunny, we would exclaim. Rays of sunshine the snaking vermicelli, rays of sunshine the fragile threads of mozzarella (buffalo, not plastic cows) in the sartù; rays of sun the tentacles of the purpetielli ‘e scoglie revived, if needed, with garlic and pepacchio (chili pepper). All this cuisine is sunny: cecenielli and pregnant peppers, marinated soups and cianfotta, strangolaprièvete and maruzze. And solar, imitation of the sun, sun made flat for your night lights, pizza..


Nu sartù turzuto e àveto,
ova toste e purpettine,
cu ‘e pesielle e chin’ ‘e provola,
parmigiano e fegatine,
zuco ‘e carne e a ffuoco lento
fin’a quanno ll”e cuociuto;
quann’č cuotto o sta a mumento,
n’avvampata e ll”e arrussuto.
Se po’ fao cu ll’uovo, in bianco,
parmigiano e muzzarella,
‘e pesielle, ‘a murtadella…
E si po’ te vuo’ spassā,
nce puo’ mettere ‘o tartufo
o na vranca ‘e fungetielle,
chill”e chiuppe e chiuvetielle:
rrobb”e Napule, gnorsė.”
Da “Si cucine cumme vogli’i’” di Eduardo De Filippo

Campania has a very tasty series of favorite and acquired foods. The fish, the game, the black truffles of Avellino, the olive oil and, of superb quality, the fruit, vegetables and greens are of choice. Particular mention deserves the tomatoes that right here (especially famous those of San Marzano) have the best productions and uses.

Ricette tipiche napoletane - Dolci





First Courses

Spaghetti with clams

Spaghetti with Clams

Spaghetti con le vongole

Main Courses

Melanzane alla Parmigiana

Eggplant Parmesan

Melanzane alla Parmigiana






