
emilia romagnapastarecipes

Tagliatelle with ragù

Tagliatelle with ragù, incorrectly called tagliatelle alla Bolognese, are a typical dish of Emilia Romagna, in particular the area between Bologna and Modena. Homemade egg pasta is one of the most loved expressions of the Emilian area and even more so if seasoned with a delicious Bolognese sauce. Tagliatella is a type of pasta which, according to tradition, is of Bolognese origin, invented by a certain Master Zefirano in 1487. We even think that the “Bolognese” tagliatella has an official unit of measurement, consisting of a golden tagliatelle having a width of 8mm and a thickness of 6-8 tenths of a millimetre. Even the “Bolognese” ragù has its standard which requires it to follow the recipe presented here.

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Babà is a typical Neapolitan pastry dessert. This dessert was born from the revisitation of a Polish dessert, which exploited above all the leavening procedure which guarantees an extremely frothy and soft consistency. This dessert, called babka ponczowa, became simply babà, a much more pronounceable term. Soaked in rum, today this dessert has managed to conquer not only the hearts of Neapolitans, but of all of Italy, becoming a sweet symbol of the city. This dessert is prepared either in a single version, with the classic mushroom-shaped babà, or in the shape of a cake which is sliced and served in a similar way to a panettone. It is enjoyed alone, but is often also garnished with custard, whipped cream and fresh fruit.

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Maritozzi with Cream

Maritozzi with cream are a typical dessert of Rome. This dessert is a tender sweet loaf, cut in half and filled with whipped cream. Its name seems to derive from the custom of giving this dessert during the engagement during the man’s declaration to the woman. The engagement ring was hidden in this cake. Tender raisins can be added to the Maritozzi dough (some even add pine nuts and candied orange peel). Today they are often served for breakfast in many bars in the capital.

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Saltimbocca alla Romana

Saltimbocca alla Romana are a typical dish of traditional Roman cuisine. A very popular recipe throughout Italy, thanks to its simplicity and excellent flavor it has become a meat appetizer, beautiful to present at the table and also much appreciated by children. Saltimbocca are small rolls or scraps of meat, so called because of their small size and because they can be grabbed with the hands and eaten in one bite. In the ‘Roman style’ version these are small scraps of veal (no one knows why we see television programs that replace it with pork….) cut into thin slices (as is customary in Rome) and a slice of sage, and a slice of raw ham. These are the main ingredients of this simple dish, which is and must remain simple (there is no melted fontina! not to be confused with Bolognese cutlet).

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Tomato Bruschetta

Tomato bruschetta is a very renowned appetizer in the Lazio tradition. Also widespread in many other regions of central and southern Italy (wherever there is fresh tomato), this simple slice of bread with chopped ripe tomato on top has won the hearts of all Italians, anticipating any meal, even a pizza . Simple, tasty, and ready in just a few minutes, it can be a perfect snack or a perfect appetizer. The name bruschetta derives from the verb bruscare which means to toast, hence bruschetta i.e. toasted. There are many versions, some with celery, others with onion, then flavored with oregano or basil. In short, there is something for all tastes

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campaniaMain Coursesrecipes

Eggplant Parmesan

Eggplant parmigiana is a great classic of Neapolitan cuisine. There are different versions each for each region or area of Southern Italy, but the Neapolitan version is perhaps the most famous. In this version, in addition to the aubergine, the cheese to match also plays important roles, in this case a smoked provola or fior di latte (not buffalo mozzarella) and the ever-present basil. In this recipe I made small single portions, but tradition requires them to be placed inside a large pan and divided into rectangular portions (a bit like lasagna).

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Struffoli are a typical dessert from Naples. Christmas is approaching and it’s time for tradition. In fact, struffoli are generally prepared during the Christmas period and thanks to their small shape, the size of a chickpea, they lend themselves to spectacular decorations, using colored decorations of sugar and candied fruit. The name struffolo has an uncertain origin, the most probable being the derivation of the Greek word “Stroggulos” (“rounded in shape”).

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Caprese or Caprese salad is a fresh dish, suitable for summer, typical of the Neapolitan tradition. Its name derives from the Island of Capri, which this dish is inspired by. Very simple and quick to prepare, it is a dish that greatly enhances the quality of the ingredients. Therefore it is very important to choose quality buffalo mozzarella, tomatoes and basil. Raw oil also plays a strong role. If there is no basil, it can be replaced with oregano (winter version). Some versions also include the addition of anchovies in oil.

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Aosta Valleypastarecipes

Gnocchi alla bava

Typical dish of the Aosta Valley, gnocchi alla bava take their name from the strings of cheese that form when you take a gnocchi with a fork and bring it to your mouth. This cheese is none other than Fontina, a typical cheese from the Aosta Valley, also much loved on our tables precisely because of its particular taste and above all because it melts easily when cooked, blending perfectly with the ingredients it accompanies.

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Strangozzi with truffle

Strangozzi with truffles are a typical Umbrian dish born from the combination of two very popular and appreciated products in this region. The black truffle from Norcia, a prized quality appreciated for its flavour, and the strangozzi (or stringozzi), a format of long fresh pasta typical of this region, originally from the area between Spoleto and Foligno. Very similar to tagliolini, they differ in that they do not contain eggs. Widespread throughout the region, they have taken on different names, in Perugia they are called umbricelli, in Terni, ciriole.

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