

Cavatelli with Seafood

Cavatelli with seafood are a typical dish of Molise, to be enjoyed along the coastal towns such as Termoli. Cavatelli are a form of fresh pasta typical of Molise, and are prepared with durum wheat semolina and water. They are seasoned with many sauces obtained with typical seasonal products such as sheep ragu, turnip tops, sausage and broccoli, mushrooms and truffles. In the coastal towns of Molise we find them accompanied by seafood.

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recipesTrentino Alto Adige

Green Spätzle

Green Spätzle are a typical Tyrolean recipe. The term spatzle means “little sparrow” and it is with this term that small dumplings made of flour and other typical ingredients of the gastronomic tradition of South Tyrol are called. In particular, there is a version of spatzle that has also been successful in the rest of Italy and can often be found in our supermarkets: the green Spätzle, made up of a mixture of flour and spinach.

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Very often, they are confused with lasagna, but Vincisgrassi is one of the most traditional dishes of the Marche region. And in reality, although they look similar, they differ in various respects, including origins. Many date them back to the siege of Ancona in 1799, when the Austro-Russian-Turkish troops opposed Napoleon’s troops, besieged in the city. According to tradition, it was a cook from Ancona who presented this dish to the Austrian general Alfred von Windisch-Graetz, winner of the siege and from whom the name of this dish was derived Vincisgrassi, a simple Italianization of his surname.
But there are other testimonies, they would make it go back to previous eras, with the name of princisgrass, although in reality, although similar, this dish involved the use of truffles, while the béchamel sauce and chicken giblets were completely absent.

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Risotto alla Milanese

Risotto alla Milanese is perhaps the best known and most appreciated typical dish of Milan in all of Italy. Recipe based on rice and saffron, it is offered as a first course or as an accompaniment to other very famous dishes of the Milanese tradition, especially meat, Ossobuco. This seemingly simple dish to prepare actually expresses the skills of those who cook it to the fullest. It is generally served freshly made, all’onda. If, on the other hand, there is leftover, nothing is discarded and another famous Milanese dish is salted rice, made crunchy in a pan-sautéed pie.

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Fileja with tuna and Tropea onions

Fileja with tuna and Tropea onions are a typical recipe from Tropea in Calabria. Fileja are a traditional pasta shape from the area that has been prepared for generations. The peculiarity of this pasta is in the preparation method, the dough is adhered around a stick of dry wood (dinacu or filejo) a few millimeters thick, 3-4 at most, produced by a wild plant widespread in the area, called Gutamara or Sparto, around which the dough is wrapped to make it take on the characteristic rolled shape, through spinning. Their name comes from spinning. Even this pasta shape like all the others of Calabrian origin goes well with the typical products of the place such as freshly caught tuna and the delicious Tropea onions.

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Strascinati with cod and bran peppers

The strascinati with cod and bran peppers are a typical recipe from Basilicata. In traditional Lucanian gastronomy, cruschi peppers are one of the most used ingredients, we can find them both as an appetizer and as a condiment for homemade pasta or meat or fish main courses, including cod with cruschi peppers. One of the most famous and traditional recipes calls for them with strascinati, a pasta shape typical of a vast area that includes both Puglia and Basilicata, similar to capunti only that they are wider and more open. Their name derives from the way in which they are prepared: by dragging small portions of dough onto the pastry board by gripping three fingers.

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Pasta alla Norma

Pasta alla norma is a typical recipe from Sicily. This first course which has now entered the Sicilian gastronomic tradition, is based on fried aubergines, tomato, basil and grated salted ricotta. Its origin seems to date back to a particular dinner held in 1920 which was attended by the poet and playwright Martoglio. This marveled at the goodness of this dish, said the phrase “Chista è ‘na vera Norma” in reference to the work of Vincenzo Bellini.

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Agnolotti del Plin

Agnolotti del Plin are a type of stuffed pasta typical of the Langhe in Piedmont. The plin is the pinch with which this particular type of agnolotti is closed. In fact, the agnolotto from the Langhe differs from the more well-known Turinese one in some characteristics. First of all its small size, then for the filling which, reflecting the influences of the Ligurian tradition, is made of meat (leftovers from roast pork and veal) accompanied by vegetables. There are variants with meat that can be rabbit or sausage, as in vegetables that instead of spinach can be present beets, cabbage, carrots, etc. Turinese, due to the size, reduced and because the filling also includes vegetables, as the Ligurian tradition also wants. It can often happen that different or unusual meats are used for a filling, such as rabbit meat.

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