
Tuscan Black Crostini

Tuscan black crostini

Tuscan Black Crostini

Duration:   30 min

Difficulty:  Medium

Origin: Tuscany

Tuscan black crostini are a typical recipe from Tuscany. An appetizer much loved by Tuscans and others, it is practically never missing from mixed Tuscan appetizers, it is a crouton of bread with a chicken liver sauce on top. It is often served together with other types of crostini, but sometimes also alone. In every family there is a version that uses different accompanying ingredients, thus changing the nuances of the background flavours, however the main flavor remains the same. Very tasty, and if prepared well they are also suitable for those who have never eaten liver, trust me.

Tuscan black crostini are a dish of very ancient origins, just think that already at the time of the ancient Romans, it was customary to anticipate meals with sauces made of different chopped ingredients, which were then eaten with bread.

When choosing the ingredients to use, don’t underestimate the role that both bread and extra virgin olive oil play. Like many other Tuscan recipes, it is the quality of the ingredients that makes the difference. Some people like to soak their toasted bread with meat broth.

Wine Pairing: Chianti Classico DOCG


For 4 people:

  • 300 g of Chicken Livers and Hearts
  • 4 slices of Tuscan bread
  • 1 sweet pickled red onion
  • 1 tablespoon pickled capers
  • 2 pickled gherkins
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 2 bay leaves
  • ½ glass of white wine
  • 2 anchovy fillets in oil
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • salt

How to Proceed

Take the chicken livers, wash them well, removing the gall (chicken gallbladder) if present. Same thing for chicken hearts.

Take a mixer and add the chicken hearts, livers, anchovy fillets, capers, gherkins and pickled red onion. Add a little salt and chop everything.

crostini toscani - ricetta fegatini di pollo

Take a small pan and add a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, a clove of garlic and whole bay leaves. Lightly fry the garlic for 3-4 minutes.

Crostini toscani - con i fegatini di pollo - ricetta

Then add the chopped chicken livers and hearts. Season with salt and begin to fry. Mix well during this cooking. Then add half a glass of wine and continue cooking for another 5 minutes. Taste, if the liver flavor is still too strong, add a few drops of vinegar and continue mixing.

Crostini toscani - ricetta - con i fegatini di pollo

Then take the slices of bread and divide them in two. Then heat the oven to 180°C and toast them on both sides for a few minutes. Remove from the oven and then after letting them evaporate for a couple of minutes and cool slightly. add the liver mixture using a spoon.

Crostini toscani - fegatini di pollo - ricetta

Serve the Tuscan crostini warm but not cold, either alone or accompanied by other types of crostini, or mixed cold cuts.

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