

Sardines in Saor

Sardines in saor are a typical Venetian recipe. Saor in Venetian means “flavor” and in fact this very tasty recipe consists of whole sardines marinated in a delicious sweet and sour sauce based on onions flavored with raisins and pine nuts. An ancient traditional dish of the Serenissima, it is traditionally prepared for the Feast of the Redeemer, the third Sunday of July. The strong flavor of the sardines is mitigated and enriched by the sweet and sour effect of the onions and raisins (sweet) with the wine vinegar (sour).

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Tuscan Black Crostini

Tuscan black crostini are a typical recipe from Tuscany. An appetizer much loved by Tuscans and others, it is practically never missing from mixed Tuscan appetizers, it is a crouton of bread with a chicken liver sauce on top. It is often served together with other types of crostini, but sometimes also alone. In every family there is a version that uses different accompanying ingredients, thus changing the nuances of the background flavours, however the main flavor remains the same. Very tasty, and if prepared well they are also suitable for those who have never eaten liver, trust me.

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Arancini (Rice balls)

Rice arancini, or arancine are a Sicilian specialty known and appreciated throughout Italy. Small rice balls generally stuffed with peas, cheese and ragù,  but there are many variations, they are then breaded and fried and eaten hot both as a single meal and as an appetizer. Real street food, they are called this because of their size similar to that of an orange.

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Polenta with Ribs and Sausages

Polenta with ribs and sausage is a typical recipe of central-southern Italy, in particular of the mountainous areas. In these places polenta is traditionally served quite liquid (unlike in the north) and then seasoned with abundant tomato sauce in which pork ribs and sausages have been cooked for a long time. All then sprinkled with plenty of pecorino. A generally convivial dish, it is served in a single large portion and then shared at the table among everyone.

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